Tag: politics

where's barack

Where’s Barack?

My absolute favorite so far, perhaps not counting our current POTUS who I think has great heart and talent, is Barack Obama. Obama raises the bar on class to a level most people could not reach if they planted a beanstalk.

noah kleinman

Who is Noah Kleinman and Why Does His Commutation Matter?

Presidential pardons are a matter of course. At the end of every president’s term of office the “clemency curious” are just that over who will be the recipients of the president’s favor – that right granted to the president to pardon pretty much anyone for anything.

tag you're infected

Tag, You’re Infected! Covid and Prisons

How well is the population within the criminal justice system protected from Covid19? I was asked to ‘do a covid in prison update’ and as I sat down to write I asked myself what does that even mean?

union confusion

Union Confusion – Many Trust Unions, While Others Try to Bust Them

As California tries to get its struggling licensed cannabis industry up and running, people have asked us questions about the role of labor unions in the process. Many business owners have allied with a labor union from the beginning, recognizing the substantial benefits that union ties can bring to a licensed and heavily regulated business.

The MORE Act

The MORE Act is More Justice!

The cannabis industry reached a significant milestone on December 4, 2020, when for the first time ever, the House of Representatives passed a bill to end federal cannabis prohibition.




Dark Matters is a digital magazine covering the underbelly of what makes our world go round. From the crust of the earth to the cosmos of the universe, from Big Foot to Big Pharma, psychedelics to the supernatural, we’re diving deep into the black hole of all that is subversive—sex, drugs, and aliens.


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